Friday, March 16, 2012

Ides of March #2

Hari ulang tahun aku telah berlalu.. 

Aku catat di sini ucapan ulang tahun dari keluarga & sahabat..

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Dan sabda Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

“Artinya : Dari Abi Hurairah, ia berkata : Telah bersabda Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, “Tidak akan berzina seorang yang berzina ketika dia berzina padahal dia seorang mukmin. Dan tidak akan meminum khamr ketika dia meminumnya padahal dia seorang mukmin. Dan tidak akan mencuri ketika dia mencuri padahal dia seorang mukmin. Dan tidak akan merampas barang yang manusia (orang banyak) melihat kepadanya dengan mata-mata mereka ketika dia merampas barang tersebut pada dia seorang mukmin” [Hadits shahih riwayat Bukhari no. 2475, 5578, 6772, 6810 dan Muslim 1/54-55]

Sunday, February 12, 2012

On Sale

I'm going to sell few of my cosmetics (dah xde duit ;p)..I take good care of my belongings so obviously, these are still in good condition, no worries. All of these are authentic. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I'm currently obsessed with makeup. I'm learning from day to day tips and tricks to perfect my techniques. I'm not a pro. I'm just a girl having fun with colour, always searching for a 'canvas' to paint. An opportunist to do makeover on my friends...hehehehe
And my cousin's wedding is just around the corner. I'm going to be her bridesmaid *nervous*..huhu..sure wanna look 'presentable' kat pelamin nanti.

Here are the products that I wish I could own someday (not in particular order):

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jom buang spek kita!

Hari ni juga nak pergi beli baby carrot..hehe..
Denga izin Allah,,tak perlu keluar duit banyak-banyak untuk beli cermin mata..AMIN..
Spek pun dah lama sangat dah ni. Dah calar-balar. Warna pun dah bertukar jadi agak kekuningan..huhu

Let's substitute our junkfood with healthy baby carrots!!

Ada juga tips lain di Pemanis Kata.

Ada juga doa untuk jauhkan sifat malas..

"Ya ALLAH, sembuhkanlah. Engkaulah yang menyembuhkan. 
Ya ALLAH, sihatkanlah. Engkaulah yang menyihatkan."

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Once you have tasted the sweetness of IMAAN,
you will always recognize the bitterness of sins.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


On the new year's eve
I'm all alone, I believe
No companion in my sight
Just like any other night 

It's not the same
Unlike our old days
When we used to sit 
And talked through the night 
Enjoying the supper with no regret 
That we might blotted the next daylight
While the children blow their trumpets happily

In the blankness of night 
Shall I clear my sight
In my dream we are reunite
As the sun shines so bright

But I have a faith 
That this pain will worth the wait
Never again I'll learn to trust
Except if I must
To someone who is truly worthy 
My love, my longing
For friendship.